Certification Process

Disclaimer: The term “certified” shall only be used for personnel certifications, based on ISO/IEC 17024 requirements. The term “certificate holder” shall only be used for certificate programs, based on ASTM E2659 requirements. Certificate holders are not certified, licensed, accredited, or registered to engage in a specific occupation or profession.

1. Decide which Certification is Right for You

Each MAKE Certification Board certification has specific education and a set of experience requirements.  To determine which credential is right for you, verify all eligibility requirements for the different certifications and your professional needs. 

2. Prepare for the Exam

All certification candidates are responsible for their own study and preparation for the examination. No specific set of courses or curriculum of study is required as part of the certification process. Likewise, the completion of a course or program of study will significantly enhance your chance of passing a MAKE Certification Board certification examination. To learn more about exams, competency domains and knowledge statements please go to: MAKE Certification Board Exam Preparation Guides

3. Apply and Schedule the Exam

All MAKE Certification Board exams are available only via online proctoring. The candidate shall login to candidates account and apply to take the Exam. Each certification has its own requirement of eligibility to be fulfilled by the candidate. The candidate is expected to exhibit to MCB that s/he fulfills the minimum requirement while applying. 

After review for eligibility, MCB will communicate the candidate about the result. If the candidate is eligible, then instruction for payment will be sent to the candidate via the registered email account during the time of eligibility application   attempt the exam.

After the proof of fee payment by candidate, MCB will allow the candidate to attempt the certification exam, and the same will be communicated via email. After receiving this email, the candidate can attempt the exam at her/is convenient  time online.   

4. Take the Exam

Candidates will be required to login and all candidates are required to present a valid identity card such as a national ID card, driver’s license, or passport to the invigilator via the webcam. The duration of the exam varies according to the type of examination taken (see description of the different exams for more details).

Exam type: 

There are multiple type of Exams. Most of them are multiple type questions. As per the level of Exam, some Exam might be “open book” exams, where the candidates are authorized to only use the following reference materials:

·         A copy of the international standards in paper hardcopy;

·         Course notes from the Participant Handout;

·         Any personal notes made by the student during the course;

·         A hard copy dictionary.

For more information about exam details, please visit Examination Rules and Policies

5. Receive your Exam Results

Results will be communicated by email within a period of 8 to 12 hours from your examination date for. The candidate usually be provided with two possible examination results: pass or fail, rather than an exact grade. However, in some special cases, the exact grade might be send to the candidates.

In case of a failure, the results may include with the list of domains where the candidate failed to answer fully the question to help the candidate better prepare for a retake the exam. Candidates, who disagree with the exam results, may file a complaint by writing to examination@makecertification.com

6.  Certification Issuance

All participants who successfully pass their certification exam are entitled to apply for the Certified Professional credentials they were examined for. All the Certificate issuance is in digital issuance. However, if the candidate required the printed hardcopy, shall apply and pay the designated fee for the certificates. In case the candidate needs additional information, he/she should contact accounts@makecertification.com and/or certification@makecertification.com 

7. Maintain your Certification

MAKE certifications are valid for three years. To maintain the certification, the applicant shall demonstrate every year that he/she is still performing tasks that are related to the certification. MAKE Certified professionals shall annually provide MAKE with the number of hours of auditing and/or implementation related tasks they have performed, along with the contact details of individuals who can validate such tasks.

A notification email will be send to our certified members, who are required to submit their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) along with the Certification Maintenance Fee (CMF) three months before the date of their certification. MAKE certified members would then be able to submit their CPDs by visiting their account and providing the required information for the respective certification.